PANDAS: Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections

What is PANDAS?

Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) can affect as many as 1 in 200 children, as estimated by the PANDAS Network.

PANDAS occurs when a streptococcal (GAS) infection triggers a misdirected immune response with central nervous system manifestations. The proposed pathogenesis is controversial, but it is widely accepted that an important component involves GAS antibodies cross-reacting with host antigens in the brain, resulting in encephalitis.

Children aged 5-12 are most susceptible as they have higher levels of exposure to GAS and higher levels of antibodies compared to adults. The usual inciting symptom for PANDAS is a debilitating onset of intense anxiety, mood lability, OCD-like traits and/or tics, associated with a recent strep-A infection. Onset of symptoms is usually within 1-2 weeks after GAS infection but can be up to 6 months later.

Diagnostic Criteria

  1. OCD and/or tic disorder meeting the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria
  2. Pediatric onset
  3. Abrupt onset and episodic course of symptoms
  4. Temporal relation between GAS infection and onset/exacerbation of symptoms
  5. Neurologic abnormalities, such as motoric hyperactivity (fidgeting, difficulty staying seated) and/or choreiform movement (seen during stressed postures but not at rest)

Clinical Course

PANDAS is usually characterized by a “sawtooth” pattern of symptoms, with periods of abrupt exacerbation of symptoms followed by a gradual improvement over weeks to months. These children can also have simultaneous onset of frequent and severe motor/verbal tics. Children with a prior diagnosis of OCD can experience an abrupt onset of severe OCD symptoms resulting in significant impairment within days.


The diagnosis of PANDAS is clinical once GAS has been confirmed by throat or skin culture, rapid strep test, or a rise in anti-strep antibodies. Antibiotic therapy is initiated to treat a confirmed acute strep infection. Children with PANDAS should be retreated with antimicrobial therapy given the failure rates for penicillin/amoxicillin. Treatment of GAS is associated with resolution of symptoms. Children with OCD and/or tic disorders should receive standard neuropsychiatric treatment regardless of whether PANDAS has been confirmed or not.



Pichichero, M. E., MD. (2018, June). PANDAS: Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with group A streptococci (S. L. Kaplan MD, D. R. Nordli MD, & M. M. Torchia MD, Eds.). Retrieved July 17, 2018, from
Pandas Network. (2017). WHAT IS PANDAS? Retrieved July 17, 2018, from

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